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The Importance of Website Compliance on Rankings and User Experience

In a nutshell, website compliance is a series of standards and regulations ensuring that a website meets legal, industry, and ethical requirements. It covers aspects such as data privacy, accessibility, and security.

Beyond avoiding legal sanctions, the importance of website compliance and its impacts are actually significant in SEO (Search Engine Optimization). But why is website compliance so important for SEO, and how can non-compliance harm a website’s visibility? Let’s dive into this analysis with GetFound!

Enhancing User Experience

User Experience, or UX, is increasingly important in search engine algorithms like Google’s. With Google’s focus on delivering relevant and valuable search results, websites offering the best user experiences are typically ranked higher.

There are several ways in which website compliance contributes to a better user experience:

1. Accessibility

The importance of website compliance with accessibility standards ensures that all users, including those with disabilities, can interact with the content on your site. 

Websites that are not user-friendly for everyone risk losing audiences and receiving lower scores from algorithms that evaluate user experience metrics. Accessible websites demonstrate care for all users, a factor often rewarded by Google.

2. Security

Using HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) and other security measures is a crucial part of website compliance.

HTTPS ensures user data is secure during browsing or online transactions. Strong security measures build user trust. Since 2014, Google has officially used HTTPS as a ranking factor. Compliance with security standards boosts a site’s reputation among users and search engines alike.

Avoiding Penalties and Sanctions from Search Engines

Websites that fail to comply with specific regulations and standards risk receiving penalties from search engines. These penalties can range from ranking drops to removal from search indexes. 

Examples include:

1. Data Privacy

Non-compliance with data privacy regulations can result in legal sanctions and harm a website’s reputation among users and search engines. Google values websites that prioritize user data privacy and security, meaning violations of these policies can lead to penalties.

2. Spam Content and Malware

Websites distributing malware or engaging in phishing activities violate Google’s standards and may face severe consequences. 

Google and other search engines have tools to quickly demote or remove unsafe websites from search indexes. The importance of website compliance is that by adhering to compliance standards, these risks can be avoided.

Also Read: How to Make Google My Business Work for You!


Building Trust and Website Authority

Search engines tend to rank websites with high authority and user trust more favorably. Website compliance plays a key role in establishing such authority. 

For instance:

1. Transparency with Privacy Policies and Cookies

Users who feel secure and treated transparently are more likely to trust a website, especially if privacy policies and cookie usage are clearly explained. 

The importance of website compliance is that it not only enhances a site’s image but also impacts dwell time and bounce rates. Search engine algorithms recognize better user metrics, leading to higher SEO rankings.

2. Adherence to Industry Standards

Websites in sectors like healthcare, finance, or other sensitive areas must meet stricter standards. 

For example, Google’s EAT (Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness) criteria evaluate content quality and authority. Ensuring that your website complies with industry standards increases credibility and positively impacts Google’s evaluation of your site.

Long-Term SEO Optimization

The importance of website compliance positively affects long-term SEO by reducing the risk of unexpected technical issues. 

For example:

1. Crawlability

Websites following accessibility guidelines typically have well-structured layouts, making it easier for search engine bots to crawl and index their content efficiently.

2. Website Speed

Many compliance standards, especially those related to accessibility, recommend improvements in page loading speed. For instance, optimized images, clear text, and clean HTML structures contribute to faster loading times. Website speed is a critical SEO factor, as slower sites tend to rank lower.

Increasing Conversion Rates

Compliance with website standards not only benefits SEO but also impacts conversion rates. When users feel comfortable and secure browsing a website, they are more likely to take action, such as signing up, downloading, or making a purchase. 

Key compliance elements that influence conversions include:

1. Secure Checkout Process

In the case of an e-commerce site, a secure checkout process that complies with standards increases the likelihood of conversions, as users feel their data is protected.

2. User-Friendly Design

Adhering to accessibility standards ensures a website is easy to use for everyone, including users with disabilities. A user-friendly design encourages visitors to engage longer and feel more comfortable, ultimately boosting overall conversion rates.

Need Detailed Guidance on Proper Website Compliance? Consult with GetFound!

The importance of website compliance is critical for SEO because it not only enhances user experience but also maintains trust and credibility in the eyes of search engines. Compliant websites are less likely to face penalties, easier to find by a broader audience, and more likely to achieve higher rankings.

Confused about how to properly follow website compliance rules, or need personalized advice for your business site? Consult with the best digital marketing agency, GetFound! We can solve all your SEO challenges!

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