
How is Voice Search Changing SEO Strategies?


Remember when you had to type keywords into search engines carefully? Well, move over your fingers because voices are taking the wheel! But how voice search is changing SEO? Let GetFound be your guide. 

Virtual assistants like Siri, Google Assistant, Cortana, and Alexa, which power voice search, are rapidly changing how people interact with the internet. 

So, how can you ensure your business gets heard in this new era of search? Buckle up because we’re about to show you how voice search is changing SEO and how you can adapt to stay ahead of the curve.

Let’s get movin’!

Understanding The Voice Search Revolution

Imagine asking your phone for the “best gym place nearby” instead of typing it out. That’s the magic of voice search! 

These virtual assistants are becoming increasingly sophisticated, understanding natural language and responding to our spoken requests. 

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Based on voice search data statistics, in 2023, people were making over a billion voice searches each month. More than half of adults reported using voice search daily. Even one in every five searches on the Google App was done via voice. Nearly 60% of consumers used voice search to find local businesses.

Given these numbers, it’s clear that voice search is not just a trend. It’s becoming essential for marketing. Experts predict that by 2024, 8.4 billion voice assistants will be in use, demonstrating its rapid growth.

You might wonder how voice search became so popular alongside traditional search. And what should businesses do to adapt their websites and content strategies?

If you need to optimize for voice search or learn how voice search is changing SEO, you might be missing out on a new wave of potential customers.

Voice vs. Text

The way people search with their voices is fundamentally different from typing. Why should we look at them separately? Here’s the breakdown:

1. Natural Language vs. Keywords

search engine optimization

People usually speak in complete sentences, asking questions like “What are the opening hours for the nearest gym?” Forget keyword stuffing; voice search rewards content that uses natural language and addresses user intent.

For example:

Imagine someone using voice search to find information about local gyms. They might ask, “Hey Google, what are the opening hours for the nearest gym?” 

The search query is conversational and phrased as a question in this scenario. For businesses optimizing for voice search, it’s crucial to provide clear and concise answers that directly address such queries. 

This approach contrasts with traditional SEO, where keyword density and structured content are more prominent.

2. Long-Tail Keywords and Conversation

technical seo

With traditional SEO, you’re tuning up for typed queries, usually short, direct, and all about keywords. Meanwhile, voice SEO is all about spoken queries, which are more laid-back, chatty, and often longer.

Imagine someone asking, “Hey Google, find a recipe for easy chocolate chip cookies.”

Related: How to Put SEO Keywords on Website?

3. Context Matters

How is voice search changing SEO? Advances in how computers understand language have been key for voice SEO. They help algorithms understand what we mean when we talk, whether through voice assistants, chatbots, or predictive text.

Voice assistants consider the context when understanding your search, and asking “best pizza” while at home might suggest a delivery search, while the same question near the office might imply a dine-in option.

Optimizing for voice search is like the next step from traditional SEO. It’s about using more natural conversational keywords. Eventually, voice search and traditional SEO will work together smoothly.

Optimizing Your SEO for the Voice Revolution

how voice search is changing seo

So, how can you adapt your SEO strategy to be voice search-friendly? Here are some key tactics that you can use:

1. Featured Snippets are Your New Best Friend

Also known as position zero, this is the holy grail of voice search. Aim to have your content appear in these top search results. Rich snippets, like star ratings for restaurants, can make your website stand out in voice search results.

For example:

Imagine you ask your voice assistant, “Hey Google, what are the best gym places near me?” The voice assistant responds with a short list of gym places directly from the search results without clicking any link. 

That top spot is “position zero,” or the featured snippet in traditional search terms. It’s highly coveted because it’s the result that gets read aloud to users, giving your content maximum visibility and credibility in voice search.

2. Structured Data Markup

digital strategy

Speak the Search Engine’s Language: structured data markup helps search engines understand your content better to improve your website’s visibility for voice queries. 

Structured data, or Schema markup, is like behind-the-scenes code that makes search engines pull up more useful info for users. It’s all laid out in a clear, structured way that tells search engines exactly what your page is about.

Google’s studies show big jumps in visits, 35% more, and higher click rates. They’re all about it for regular and voice searches, so it’s worth it.

3. Content that Answers, Not Just Informs

To nail voice search optimization, your content should flow naturally and be well-spoken. These algorithms are tuned to understand everyday speech, so include questions and longer, specific keywords to connect better. Why?

Because people use voice search to find immediate answers, focus on creating content that addresses specific questions and provides clear, concise information. Think “how-to” guides, FAQs, and location-based content.

For example, a behavioral health organization could boost its voice search presence by answering questions like, “How do I know if I need inpatient drug or alcohol treatment?”

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4. Focus on Local SEO and Power Up Website Performance

how voice search is changing seo

People often rely on “near me” searches, which means local businesses miss out on traffic if they don’t optimize for local SEO

Effective strategies include beefing up your Google My Business profile to ensure your business info is accurate on directories and mentioning local landmarks in your content.

Also, having a fast-loading website is crucial for voice search SEO. Google started considering page speed as a ranking factor for mobile searches in 2018, when many voice search queries originated. A speedy website improves user experience and increases the likelihood of ranking well in voice search results.

How voice search is changing SEO ensures your business is heard in this exciting new era of search. Remember, voice search is about natural language and user intent. Creating content that answers questions, provides value, and caters to local searches is what you need to do to boost your SEO ranking.

Ready to speak up and dominate voice search? GetFound can help! We’ll guide you through optimizing your website and content for voice search, ensuring your business is the answer to your customer’s spoken queries. 

Visit GetFound today and let your voice be heard online! Book a consultation here.

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